This is especially encouraging to me right now as I navigate my placement in God's body--discovering where he wants me at this time. Often, I'll question my abilities to do His work when I see others who seem so much more equipped (smarter, better memory recall, better public speakers), but your article reminds me that God can train anyone with his powerful yoke.
This is especially encouraging to me right now as I navigate my placement in God's body--discovering where he wants me at this time. Often, I'll question my abilities to do His work when I see others who seem so much more equipped (smarter, better memory recall, better public speakers), but your article reminds me that God can train anyone with his powerful yoke.
This is especially encouraging to me right now as I navigate my placement in God's body--discovering where he wants me at this time. Often, I'll question my abilities to do His work when I see others who seem so much more equipped (smarter, better memory recall, better public speakers), but your article reminds me that God can train anyone with his powerful yoke.